I don't know why I decided to entitle this post as STFU. It could be that I just figured out what it meant, or it's more just that I think it's funny. And if you don't, then STFU. In fact, kbl, if you haven't got a new word of the month yet, I say use STFU. It is 4 times the learning in one phrase.
I am quite discouraged to find that I haven't taken any really cool pictures lately. It must be because it's been in the negative digits outside, I'm pregnant and not feeling creative, I can't have a few glasses of wine so everything looks boring, or that I'm lazy. I'd say it's that I'm lazy. But I am acknowledging the problem, and will strive to fix it. I'm all about self improvement.
I did download a few to my flickr site so be sure and check them out when you get a spare minute. I even put a little video of Super Kid on there being the Ninja he is. It's great.
Speaking of pregnancy, I made it to week 15 with no big problems to speak of (and yes I just knocked on wood-be it fake but I still did. Please do the same right now). Isn't that great? Or maybe it's just great to me. Whatever.
I would like to suggest a few movies for you to view. And remember that my opinions are the best.
The first one is Good Luck Chuck. Ever hear of it? Me neither. Husband and I were scrolling thru the movies on HBO and found this one to TiVo. I'm guessing he mostly did it because Jessica Alba was in it but whatever, at least she's pretty. I thought it would be good because it is a comedy and who doesn't like to laugh? Either way this was a GREAT movie. It was really funny. An added bonus for all you couples out there who have husbands or boyfriends who like boobies: this movie has a lot of them in it. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. It was the kind of movie that had a lot of really unexpected things happen in it that made you cringe with laughter. Highly suggest it.
The second one that I am going to talk about is The Knowing. Or Knowing. It's a new movie with Nicholas Cage in it. Husband and I went and seen it in the theater when it first came out. It's always tricky when we go out to see movies because really our taste in flicks couldn't be more different. One of us is always taking one for the team. But this one seemed like it peaked both of our interests so win-win, right? EH no (eh was suppose to be a buzzer sound). This movie was really intriguing until the last 20 minutes then it got all alien on me and I lost all respect for it. It's really too bad because it had some good elements to it in the beginning. Token big eyed pale scary looking little kid, fog, creepy people in the woods, craziness, plane crashes. I guess I would say if you do go see it, leave or stop your DVD when the one lady gets in a car wreck. Then just make up your own ending. It'll be better than the original no matter what. Trust me.
Oh and I would like to suggest a book. I read lots of books and some of them are good, others not so much. When I read one that is not so great, I go for months without reading anything. But then something comes along where it renews my faith in authors and I go on a reading streak.
Now don't get all angry and 'she's not really an author' on me, but just give it a chance. I read Tori Spelling's sTORI Telling in two days. Yes, two days.
Let me tell you why I bought it in the first place: One day I was home with the queses and on Oxygen Channel there was a 'Tori and Dean Inn Love' marathon on followed by 'Home Sweet Hollywood' marathon. Both Tori Spelling reality shows. The thing that got me about her is that she's totally hilarious and super down to earth. She knows what people are saying about her and it's almost like she's doing these things to prove them wrong. One episode in particular that made me like her is when her and her husband were in Germany doing press for her book or the show I can't remember which. Anyway, they went to some restaurant that was in a Bed and Breakfast of sorts. She ate a whole bunch of food and the food didn't like her so much so she had to rush off to the bathroom. They go from showing her walking into the bathroom (which was in some guests room that she didn't know because they had no public toilets that she could find) to her rushing out of it and back to the table where she urgently tells her husband 'Dean, we have to go NOW. I just had a major diarrhea explosion in the bathroom and the toilet overflowed all over the floor. LET'S GO!'. That's funny.
So that's why I bought the book and that's why after taking only 2 days to read it, I suggest it.
Plus I grew up watching 90210 and she gives a lot of inside dish about the show. Who doesn't love that?
So now that I've rambled on endlessly about nothing, I will release you from my blog claws.
Remember to STFU.