Dear Minnesota:
It's cold out. Too effing cold. I don't like it. I left the garage this morning and the rear view mirror thermometer said 0 degrees. By the time I reached the end of the street, it said -27.
Really? Could it get any colder? Probably not.
People are forgetting their manners and driving like complete idiots. I have lost count of how many cars I have witnessed speeding and darting in and out of lanes only to start spinning around in circles and into the ditch or other vehicles. Just this morning, I seen a red trans-am looking car speed up ahead of me (excuse me for driving the posted speed limit of 35 on a winding side street) only to spiral out of control and cream into an unsuspecting Accord going the opposite dircetion. Ever hear of black ice? Look it up buddy.
Let's not forget my 2+ hour commute home the other day because of the snow storm you placed on our laps ALL DAY. Thanks a lot.
In efforts to ease my nerves and my nagging, please get warmer promptly, or I will be forced to move someplace tropical.
Like Brazil.
I have relatives in Brazil...I'll hook you up. You'll have a place to stay. could move to CA? lol It's been 70's-80's lately. :P
I thought we had it cold. My gas pedal froze the other day for a minute. I know it's worse where you are.
Thank you for stopping by synchronizing amid the hubbub. You have a fun, and beautiful, blog.
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