Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A confusing exchange 2

I posted A confusing exchange on my other blog so high tail it over there if you want a little giggle.

I wanted to post a couple of winners here as well:

Boss man: Hey, smell this piece of paper.
Me (excited at the notion of smelling piece of paper for reasons I can't explain): BIG sniff
Boss man: Haahahahahhahaahahaa it smells like fart doesn't it? I got it from (some client) in the mail today and my whole office stunk. I couldn't figure out what the foul smell was and finally figured out that it was this peice of paper. ahahahhahahhaah I can't believe how big of a whiff you took hahahahahhahaha
Me: That's gross. Seriously, my baby is going to come out with webbed feet because of you.
Boss man (moves on to the next person): Hey, smell this piece of paper.

Here's another gem (we were talking about Baby Shower games):

Co-worker: You could play pin the umbilical cord on your tummy.
Me: What?
Co-worker (proceeding to animate playing the game): My turn, here I go! I'll stick it Oops, that was a little low! Hahahahahhahahahha
Me (blank stare): There's something wrong with you.

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

Happy 4th of July.


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