Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hi Friends
A new addition to Paper Castles will be MOM.
MOM=Movie of the Month.
I have fallen off the WOM wagon (not making any sense at all if you think about it. I might have a case of diagnoses dyslexia) and decided that MOM made more sense. I will give you my biased opinion of what you should watch and why. Remember that my opinions are the best and I don’t care about yours.
I have already advised you to go out and see Four Christmas’ so let’s consider this Decembers MOM. For many many many reasons this movie is great. First and foremost it is funny. Like laugh out loud funny. Husband and I were cracking up throughout it and I even witnessed Husband knee slap. The story line is easy to follow and characters not completely out there. It really is worth seeing twice. For those of you who have seen it, how funny was the baby puking scene at the end? Brilliant! Plus, it’s never difficult for me to watch Vince Vaughn. Very handsome indeed.
For January’s MOM I decided on Juno. Please, for the love of whatever God you trust, go see this movie. I enjoyed it from the moment it started to the very end and every minute in between. I don’t need to go over the basics like it was written by a woman from Minnesota, is set in Minnesota, has won many a awards and has an excellent soundtrack.
The reason why I like this movie so much is because it is all about emotion and perception. The trickiness of relationships and honesty.
The part that got to me, in short, was when after Juno had her baby, she was laying in the hospital bed all curled up. She was crying. In walks her boyfriend who just lays with her and holds her.
I saw myself in that scene. I was that girl. 8 years ago I was the one laying in a dull hospital room with the currents drawn, scared out of my mind and an emotional wreck. It brought me back to that day, that moment, that second where I was completely overwhelmed and lost. Unlike the movie, nobody came in and laid with me. I had a baby daddy who stole money from me out of my purse when I wasn’t looking and took a check and wrote it out to cash. BUT, I did have a handful of visitors. I remember wanting to put on a brave face and I tried with all my will to act natural when I held Super Kid, but I always felt like I was going to break him and silently panicked when he moved because I thought…I don’t know…I thought he would suddenly have super strength and throw himself out of my arms and fall to the ground.
Whew! So…like I said, just go see it.
You won’t regret it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's been a while...

  • I urge you to see the movie, Four Christmas', like I urge people to nap.
  • Husband does not hold on to things like I do.
  • I have a super cool cousin.
  • I felt like smoking for the first time in 3 years last week.
  • Throwing up is really lame.
  • Flannel sheets are the best invention.
  • I will never tire of hearing Tales of Napoleon.
  • The prospect of getting a new cell phone has turned me into a giddy 13 year old.
  • Beef Stew = Bliss.
  • I think I have water stuck in my ear.
  • I miss summer.

A letter of honesty

Dear Minnesota:
It's cold out. Too effing cold. I don't like it. I left the garage this morning and the rear view mirror thermometer said 0 degrees. By the time I reached the end of the street, it said -27.
Really? Could it get any colder? Probably not.
People are forgetting their manners and driving like complete idiots. I have lost count of how many cars I have witnessed speeding and darting in and out of lanes only to start spinning around in circles and into the ditch or other vehicles. Just this morning, I seen a red trans-am looking car speed up ahead of me (excuse me for driving the posted speed limit of 35 on a winding side street) only to spiral out of control and cream into an unsuspecting Accord going the opposite dircetion. Ever hear of black ice? Look it up buddy.
Let's not forget my 2+ hour commute home the other day because of the snow storm you placed on our laps ALL DAY. Thanks a lot.
In efforts to ease my nerves and my nagging, please get warmer promptly, or I will be forced to move someplace tropical.

Like Brazil.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lutsen Pictures

Here are two pictures from Lutsen:


That's me on the left and Super Kid way down in front of me.

There are more on my Flickr site. Click on the link to view them!

Pity? Party of One?

Well, so much for resolutions. Mine for this year is pretty grand compared to last years and the years before (2008-Don't eat McDonald's, 2007-no pop, 2006-stop smoking). This year I wanted to stay more positive, more optimistic, be more happy.
Shah, that resolution was blown January 2nd. Won't go into details but I will say that there was nothing cheerful about my night.
Thinking that one little night couldn't deter me, January 5th rolled around. Although this story has a silver lining, I can't remember the last time things seemed so incredibly terrible.
We arrived back home from Lutsen on Sunday, all of us exhausted. Super Kid was in bed sleeping by 630pm, me 7pm and Husband 830pm. One would think after 11 hours of sleep I would feel refreshed and ready to go, and I was for the majority of the day, but then 4pm came and I hit a major wall. My head started to hurt, I got all icky frustrated at nothing, and the thought of going grocery shopping was just making it worse. But I had to go. We had no food in the house after being gone. Husband and I agreed earlier in the afternoon to have taco's for dinner so my main focus was remembering all the stuff needed: meat, lettuce, cheese, the taco kit box etc. I pick up Super Kid and head to Target to get taco stuff and other things for the week. Head still pounding. Bags under eyes getting darker and darker. My frustration heightened when I kept running into this lady. Every place I went, she went. Every isle I went down, she was right there. Has this ever happened to you? Normally I don't know if I would have noticed, but this day I did. I smiled at her at first contact but then I just got annoyed. Moving on, I get through the grocery shopping and back home where Super Kid needs to get started on his homework, groceries need to be put away, cat puke wiped up. All of these things I wanted, for no reason, to be done by the time Husband got home. So I'm rushing around and I go in the pots and pans cupboard to grab the meat pan and at the same time open the cupboard where the taco kits are. Upon picking up the meat pan, it's lid which is glass, was sitting on top of it.
Guess what happened next?
It slid off as I picked it up and shattered to the ground. Glass everywhere. I mean everywhere. I had no idea that a lid about 10 inches in circumference, could shatter so far and wide. I just stood there for a second in disbelief. I said 'I can't believe that just happened.' And then a moment later, I look to see that we don't have any taco kits and I forgot to buy one at the store. The next moment I hear the garage door opening. Great, Husband is home and will walk into this mess I have made. So I fly down the stairs into the garage to grab the broom and I blurt out 'I dropped the lid' practically in tears. Poor Husband was like 'What????' I go back in, hands shaking, trying not to completely lose it, and start sweeping up the glass. Husband comes in and sees the mess and I just fell apart. I start sobbing 'I forgot the taco dinner kit' and you know what he did? He hugged me. Right there, in the middle of a glass filled kitchen, hugging me saying 'What's wrong?' and 'It's ok, you didn't know we didn't have the taco kit, we can have taco's tomorrow' and 'we have another lid' For about 5 minutes, I just stood there and cried, and he held me.
All the while, Super Kid is sitting at the kitchen table, doing his homework. At some point, and I honestly don't know when, he slithered downstairs and started playing with his Lego's. I can't imagine what he was thinking.
I cleaned up the glass and decompressed in our bedroom. I came out about 30 minutes later to find Super Kid finishing up some soup. This is what he said: 'Mom, I feel really bad for you that you dropped the lid. Really bad. It's OK though, everyones clumsy every once and a while.'
What would I possibly do without them?
Really, I think I'm the luckiest girl alive. Sure, we all have our icky moments. Super Kids whines and cries with the best of them. Husband gets stressed out and is crabby. But seriously, without these two, I don't know what I would do.
I know this is such a minor thing to complain about and I know other people have much much larger problems than these. This is just one night in the life of me. So I thought instead of dancing around blog postings talking about things that are nonsensical, I would share a blurb of how real my life can be.
So the next time you have a crappy icky frustrating night, you know that you are not alone, and that we are all in this together, going through the same stuff. On some level.

Have yourself a good day...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We arrived back safe and sound from our skiing adventure in Lutsen. I'll post more details and photos in the coming days. Whew! What a great time we had!!!
Quick special thanks to NorCalMrs who changed her blog, so I changed mine too.
I never claimed to be a leader, so why start now?
Kidding of course.
Not really.