Friday, July 18, 2008


Thank god it's f*cking Friday. Holy moses this week was a slow one.
Now that we've all made it to Friday, I would like to tell you about something I have discovered that apparently has been around for centuries.
Do you know how many useful ways you can use vinegar? Well, let me tell you a few ways I have used it just this past week:
Cleaned my shower
Sprayed it outside the door/windows to scare away ants
Eliminated that weird odor coming from the garbage disposal
Drank it
Smelled it for a while and felt all fuzzy
Tried to legally adopt it.
Seriously, there are a gazillion ways to use vinegar. Here is a for real list if you are interested in seeing it's amazing capabilities and it contains a *bonus* NO harmful chemicals. Brilliant!
Have a good weekend monkeys. You know I love you.

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