Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That's just rude

So yesterday I went to a really big chain pet store. I can't remember the last time I was in one,
I'm almost positive it was in OR visiting Sister when super smart nephew wanted to buy something for his rabbit. Or maybe it was his hamster. I don't know, anyway, it was probably about 3 years ago that I entered one. We usually get french kitties food at the Target because it's just more convenient, so again, no reason to go there.
Moving along, yesterday I went there because a co-worker, who has a fish tank in his office, went on vacation this week and forgot to buy more food for his fish. He called and asked if I could go get some and feed them this week. No problem I say. I needed to go out on my lunch break anyway to do some other errands.
I go there, find the food and discover that there is one register open with about 6 people waiting in line. The cashier lady kept calling for back up but she was really hard to understand so I'm guessing that's why nobody rushed to her aid. I'm the last one in line and think oh well, I guess I'll just space out. I'm really good at that. The line is not moving because customer number one had like a zillion questions about her dog food that the cashier was indeed answering, just not very clearly so there was a lot of 'what was that?' 'huh?' and 'can you say that again'. I was STILL IN LINE mind you but looking at a display about 10 feet to my right about dog training classes when the line moved, just a little. And then it happened. I was butted. Some lady, who I am sure seen me, just slid right in line in front of me. It was really strange. I just looked at the back of her head, sortof in disbelief, because how often do you get butted in front of? Isn't it the cardinal rule starting in like 2nd grade to never butt in front of someone?
So I'm standing there, wondering if I should say something, but can't really think of anything to say without sounding like a...well...2nd grader. So I say nothing and just remember that karma is a bitch. And then you know what happened? The back up cashier shows up, taps the butter lady on the shoulder and says 'Ma'am, I can help you over here.' WHAT???? I am the last one in line, wasn't she supposed to tap me on the shoulder?
On a brighter note, mama loves you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a suggestion for what to say next time someone butts--
Hey lady, I am not wearing an invisible cloak, so get your ass behind me.
It was a rabbit---Bucky.