Monday, August 4, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

I am ridiculously bored at work today and am doing absolutely nothing but wasting time.
And it's Monday. And including me, there are exactly 3 people in the office. Ug.
On days like this, I usually go to and spend some quality time there so my brain doesn't rot, then I go to the usual websites: Yahoo, MSN, local newspaper, kids school website (always hoping to see my little monster on there but haven't yet), weather, (totally great music website and it's perfect for people like me who haaaaaate listening to radio stations on the Internet because of wacky and unusually long commercial breaks with the mind of its own volume). I also lurk around on various blogs, because what's more fun then seeing what other people are doing without their knowledge? Ahhhh, not much. (Did that come across as creepy? A little bit huh. Well I really didn't mean it that way and I suppose I could just backspace and delete that I do that, but what fun is that? Whatever).
Today I ran across this blog.
I am going to dedicate #982 to my lovely counterpart. This Bud's for you honey.
I am also going to put it on the list of blogs I lurve, because I can already start feeling the tug of the heart strings.

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