Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Super Kid is so great.

So I thought I would elaborate just a little as to why I think my Super Kid is the best.

I am semi-serious about training for this 5k deal in a couple of weeks and have been walking/jogging lately. A couple of days ago, it was nice out and my allergies were under control so me an Super Kid went out. Him on his scooter and me trudging along.

I usually walk around the neighborhood in the same loop and have done so with Super Kid many times. I uneducatedly think it's about 2 miles. But I'm probably way off. No matter, we do this loop a lot.

We get about half way, my face is beat red and sweaty even though I'm jogging at a snails pace, and Super Kid looks over and says 'Mom, you look very beautiful today'. I know. Priceless isn't it?

Another 10 minutes pass and we are on the home stretch. Now I'm breathing rather heavily and say 'I think we need to stop'. Super Kid then offers me his Hot Wheels scooter and even goes as far to say that he will put it up on the highest handle bar setting so I don't have to hunch over. Yeah, I know again.

So just in case you were wondering why I gave props to the little guy on TIHLSWLS, this is why.

On an unrelated note, KC, this is the song I wanted you to hear. Mama likes. Which is strange because nothing this 'artist' has done before has really been that appealing to me.



Anonymous said...

Where is the wine of the month?

NorCalMrs said...

aw...that is so cute!!!