Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Diary of a Pig

This is what I had to eat yesterday (now you will see why I am 100% shocked and amazed that I haven't gained about 100 pounds in this pregnancy because I eat like this at least three times a week and have decided that exercise is for show offs):

Breakfast (or what I woofed down between 6am-noon):
Bowl of Multi-Grain Cheerios
3 honking pieces of Beer Bread
Sour cream and chive wheat thins (at least half a box)
Granola bar
Piece of cheese

Lunch (or what I devoured between noon-530pm):
Pomegranate applesauce
Spaghetti dish (mmmmmm noodles)
More beer bread
Tiki Punch Shasta
Regular applesauce
And if that's not enough, on my way home from work I decided that this was absolutely necessary to function before dinner:
A LARGE chocolate dipped cone from Dairy Queen

Dinner (can you believe that I still had room to eat from 530-6pm?):
Strawberries and raspberries
Sour cream and onion chips
Grilled chicken with Ranch (naturally)
Even more beer bread (this time slobbered with a one inch layer of butter)
I thought about eating a HoHo but refrained from the temptation

So yea, I won't be surprised if at my dr appt tomorrow and I step on the scale and it says 'STOP EATING YOU MAD WOMAN'

I'm hungry again,

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