Thursday, September 17, 2009

You heard me

Dear Ninja,
Thank you for listening to me. We did it. We made it to Week 37. You are now full term and can come out and play whenever you feel like it. Weather it be today, tomorrow, next week, the week after OR even the week after that, I am just fine with it. Good baby. You will forever think Santa is real.

See you soon,

Side note: My next post will be my 100th (!) and I will use it to announce Ninja's arrival and all the fun details that I am sure will ensue.


NorCalMrs said...

Thumbs up Not Oscar for staying put!!!

kathryn said...

I am commenting. I do not want you to put a spell on me. I will confuse you with my wit and lightening-fast Ninja moves....

See? Now I'm gone!
thanks for following!