Thursday, November 5, 2009

Another confusing exchange

Last night at the dinner table, the following conversation took place between J and I (remember, J is 9 years old)

J: Mom, have you ever used acid?
Me: Oh my gawd, WHAT?
J: You know, acid? Like, when you were in college or before you had me?
Me: What are you talking about? Where did you hear about this?
J: My teacher. She told me she did when she was in college.
Me and Husband simultaneously: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
J: Acid. Like in your Chemistry class or somethin'? We learned all about it in Science today. Did you know that there is acid in vinegar?
Me (thankful that my sweet little boy and his teacher aren't talking about hallucinogenic drug use): No buddy, I didn't know there was acid in vinegar. Go on...

Baffling, isn't it?

1 comment:

NorCalMrs said...

Wow....I seriously thought...are teachers these days really that dumb? Do they think it's ok to tell kids that? I fear for this country as it is. Good to know my fears were not confirmed. I love the innocence of kids!