Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Damn you Caribou!

So I rewarded myself with coffee yesterday. That delicious coffee that tasted so good that I felt the need to guzzle it. Then two hours later for lunch I had a blueberry muffin and Frito's. An hour after that I was thirsty so I had a Dr Pepper with a granola bar. About 10 minutes later I started feeling extremely nauseous. And my right boobie, not ok. I did some Googling and found that sometimes people get flu like symptoms while weaning because their ducts get clogged but then the clog works itself out and all is well again.
So not sure but one of a few things are happening: I might sick, pregnant, experiencing clogged ducts or I'm just an idiot that ingested more sugar than necessary after a 3 month break from junk food.


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